Sunday 15 February 2015

On Your Mark! Get Set! Compose!
On Your Mark! Get Set! Compose!
Twelve Ways To Enhance Your Ability To Write.

Composing articles is a discipline; it's challenging, brain-wracking work. However, if you get it right, you've successfully done a service to other people. Article writing is difficult work because thinking is hard work, but the two are inseparable. You will need confidence to write. Don't be scared to write. Creating - no matter whether an essay, story, article, manuscript, or text - asks something of the reader:.

1 Acknowledgment.
2 Understanding.
3 Perception.
4 Action.
5 Satisfaction.
6 Sometimes just a laugh!

Written phrases are the backbone of communication in establishments, but they often fail to do their work. Individuals who have problems in getting their composed message across may possibly know the correct words, but they don't use them. They could express themselves in plain-spoken language, but they think the short, simple words they normally use in daily interactions are unworthy to be committed to paper. To write properly, you should get your ideas across simply and clearly. It's quite hard, but it's easier than you think. There exist three fundamental requirements:.

It is important to aspire to write.

You should be ready to work hard - thinking means work.

You ought to follow basic guidelines.

People write to get a message across. If you're reluctant to write, don't be. If you think you've got to thread together big, fancy words and high-sounding phrases, forget it! "The first law of writing, the law to which all other laws are subordinate, is this: that the terms used must be such to convey to the reader the meaning of the article writer." (Anon). How can you spice up your content creation and make your point clear? Total Immersion - hard slogging - groundwork, creating notes, laying the groundwork, thinking out of the box, playing with your strategy. Successful content creation depends upon good preparation. Leave the things you have written for some time, then come back and reword, revise and put your ideas in order. This is the time to pay attention to detail. Verify facts, spelling and grammar. Become a logical and rigorous editor.


1. BE NATURAL. If you can, you ought to write the way you converse - easily, naturally. Make use of words and sentence structure that you would use if you were speaking with somebody sitting across from you.

2. Content must be Simple. Keep clear of expensive terms. Don't use alleviate when serve will do. People do not forget short words. Use short paragraphs, too. The look of a lengthy paragraph tires the audience before the reading begins.

3. BE CLEAR. Each sentence ought to contain just one idea. Shorter sentences have punch!

4. BE Precise. If your write-up carries facts, be sure that the facts really are facts.

5. Remove DEAD WOOD. William Linsser says "Clutter is the disease of writing. We are a society strangling in unwanted words and worthless jargon." To avoid clutter, keep each sentence clean and to the point. Omit terms with no function. Remove adverbs with meanings already covered in the verb. For example: the radio blared loudly! The word loudly is not necessary. Adjectives also muddle our language. Take for instance: the wet rain fell. The word wet is needless.

6. AVOID JARGON. Jargon is shop-talk, a specialized language. Jargon is contagious and even ought to be consciously avoided, unless of course you are sure that it means the same to your audience as it does to you. Take for example, a scientist applying scientific jargon wrote: The biota exhibited a one hundred percent mortality response. He could have written: Almost all the fish died.

7. USE CONCRETE Terms (not abstract). A concrete term would mean something tangible or particular.

8. Utilize THE ACTIVE VOICE (not the passive). Make your content more vigorous and direct. Insert the verb in your sentence at the start to ensure that it pulls along the rest of the terms. Passive: Dick was slapped by Dana. Active: Celina slapped Dick. The second sentence has got more power. You could almost feel the slap in the active example.

9. Speak To PEOPLE. Make impersonal sentences personal. Compose the way you speak in person-to-person sentences. Make use of personal sentences naturally for they allow you to alter sentence lengths and will enable you to discuss with your readers in the active voice.

10. HAVE A Strategy! Content creation, like everything else you do, should be planned. Before you start writing, think through why you are writing - your aim, and exactly what you wish to say - your message. Put your key ideas into words and work out what order your ideas ought to be in - your approach. Put your plan on paper. Only in this way can you be sure that you have a plan. You should not start to write without a strategy.

11. EDIT AND Rephrase. A couple of writers can produce what they are after on the first try. Tweaking is an important part of writing. After reading your final draft of a writeup or text, mull over: does this writing sound logical, are the key ideas developed effectively, are the ideas in sensible order? Is the intent behind the post clear? Are there any unwanted terms in the writing, does each and every word have meaning? Is the ending rational and agreeable, does it gist the article successfully?

12. GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE. Nobody can know almost everything about a subject. Occasionally you ought to rely on matter compiled by other people. If you are using other people's material, give them credit. Name the source of your ideas and facts, including ideas and facts that have been paraphrased or summarized. Let your brain and pen free flow. Feel the freedom of your creative imagination. Kick start your creative juices and get started with writing. For additional motivation try out our gel pens off the site Den Of Goods, ladling on inspiration and life to your content!

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